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We’re on the cover of the new CACM magazine

Check out our work on using combinatorial optimization for developing the new French keyboard standard being featured on the cover of the new CACM magazine.

Including an exclusive video:

The new keyboard standard improves performance, ergonomics, and intuitiveness while enabling input of many more characters, to a large part thanks to the algorithmic tools we developed with my collaborators from INRIA Lille, Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, and Aalto University.

The key is that we used computational methods throughout the decision process not only to solve a well-defined problem but also to understand the design requirements, to inform subjective views, or to communicate the outcomes.
Our experience reveals opportunities for computer science research to design computational tools from a participatory perspective to directly support learning about a problem, making refinements, considering multiple perspectives, and respecting the different needs and roles of stakeholders.

Also check out the project page with an interactive tool to explore the new keyboard layout and published code to optimize your own:

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